Wednesday, April 22, 2015


"A 'No' uttered from the deepest conviction
is better than a 'Yes' merely uttered to please,
or worse, to avoid trouble."
Mahatma Ghandi
This gentle 'lion of a man' had a tremendous impact upon India...history tells us he made a huge impact on many worldwide.  A national figure, a leader who seemed so humble and yet spoke such truths. 
What do you think of when you crave a leader who cares for the good of the country and its' people more than his or her personal good...unselfish, sincere, honest and filled with integrity?
These past couple of weeks have seen presidential hopefuls throwing their hats in the ring, so to speak.  The 'parties' are full of buzz about who says what, how they say it and just how truthful they are...or, how full of hot air they might be. 
And this is just the beginning of the circus; what we, the people, will be bombarded with from now until the day arrives to vote for the one person who will 'lead' our country for the next four years.
This post isn't about bashing any candidate or any party; it's about what matters the most...integrity of the candidates.  That should take front and my opinion, that is.  But is that the way it is in reality?
"Cross my heart, and hope to die; Stick a needle in my eye."
Ouch, what a hard way to go, huh? I don't think kids say that anymore. When I was a little girl...that was what we often said; tempted to tell just a teeny little white there a difference?

Those who think it is ok to tell a white lie will soon go color blind.
Austin O'Malley  

Do you believe everything you read and hear?  Ha!  I'm thinking surely not; but wouldn't it be awesome if we could?  What an oddity that would be these days.  Perhaps that's always been the norm;  who one!

Ones' political affiliation really shouldn't take precedence over honesty and integrity...that's my opinion...what's yours? 

"He who walks in integrity walks securely."
Proverbs 10:9
Have you ever known a person who was a 24/7 liar?  I've personally only known one...and he was what I'd call a champion liar.  It seemed to be in his genes!  Didn't seem to matter when or what...he automatically lied and it was no bother to him...he just did it and eventually as Mark Twain said, "If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything".  He got all mixed up about his lies...and it eventually led to his downfall.
I try my best to listen to all sides; okay, I sometimes get carried away but in all fairness I force myself to think about what's being said and check things out.  It's important to delve into the background...of course it takes time.  But don't you think that's worth having what's best for the country? 
I'm amazed at the indifference exhibited by some people...not all...but some who don't know doodley-squat about what's going on...or who's doing what?  Seems they'll trust and believe just about attention, people!  This is serious business...not to be taken lightly.
I don't want to turn anyone off...don't want to offend anyone...I simply want to drive home how important it is to check people out...check their for the truth and integrity of each one. 
And last, certainly not the least...I must examine myself to make sure I always..."Have the courage to say No.  Have the courage to face the Truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity." W. Clement Stone
It's a good place to begin...don't you think?  I do...yes, I do!
From my yours...honestly!

1 comment:

  1. I hate election years. It's so hard to understand the truth.
