Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Okay, it's here...that one day in the year when most people resolve to?  You name it and it's resolved by someone, somewhere.  Are you into it?  I flunked out years ago; I've been a dropout.

All the major networks run the best of 2013...the worst of 2013...those we lost in 2013...the year is covered and then some.  I enjoy some of it; some of it I don't...all depends on one's taste, I suppose.  After all we aren't made w/cookie cutters, are we?  That's a plus for us!
Ralph Waldo Emerson put it very nicely:
Finish each day and be done with it.
You have done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day;
begin it well and serenely and with too high
a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.
Mr. Emerson, you say 'finish each day and be done with it'...I wish it were easy to do so...perhaps I could if I hadn't single-handily created so many bad days along my way!  It isn't so much about how the blunders affected me's about how I perceive they affected others...not an easy thing to forget.  I think about them when I'm trying to find sleep...which evades me too often.  They creep in, oh yes...causing me to shudder and shed tears.
The outlandish thing about grieving over my missteps is this; those I stepped on probably don't even think?  I know and why I'm so foolish is beyond me...surely someday I'll mature...spiritually.
Back to the New Year and Emerson..."Tomorrow is a new day"...yes, yes it is!  
"Begin it well and serenely".  Well, over the years I've progressed from a waking grouch to a most happy person...go to bed happy...wake up happy...can't beat it with a stick, right?  Progress...aah yes! "And with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
So...I've won a small part of the battle and begin each day with a most high spirit...on to more self-improvement.  How's that?
For starters, I began some time back re-working my thinking...reining in the not-so-good stuff and sending out positive thoughts.  It's an ongoing work but it's progressing.

Aah, if I had just taken time...made the effort to 'know myself' some years ago?  Who knows but God what would've happened in my life.  Would I be a better person today?  I don't honestly think so...'cause you know what?  I've learned the hard way and it's sticking...I'm better for my mistakes, as heartbreaking as they were.

So! I've made a couple of decisions for 2014...
I'll keep my spirit as high as possible...
keep the old nonsense out...out of sight, out of mind.
These two are just for starters, okay?  Lots of work ahead. 

Father, today is the first day of a new year and you are here beside me.  I pray I will please you each day of this love with no strings attached.  As I move from day to day I pray I may show others how awesomely you have changed my life.  I want to spread your light, your love to everyone I come in contact with...whether with writing or meeting.  I continue praying that your Spirit will guide my words as I write; I write to encourage others...even if just one at a can I not then encourage myself?
I pray your Spirit will be guide me each day! 
And oh how I thank you for having me as one of your children...
In your Son's most wonderful name, Amen.

I agree with American journalist William Allen White:
"I am not afraid of tomorrow,
for I have seen yesterday and I love today."

Welcome 2014...welcome! 
Here's to MOST importantly...walking with God
plus a year of high spirited positivity !
And by the way...I LOVE TODAY.

From my open yours!


  1. I like the words in your prayer. I think if we live each day with that thought 'to please God each day' that would be an admirable daily goal.

    By the way, I guess I am unusual but I never make New year's resolutions :)

  2. Thanks...I want to begin and end each day with those thoughts. Did well this morning...I don't really make resolutions. Call 'em decisions? For me, it works!
