Wednesday, April 30, 2014


 "Be.  Here.  NOW.
Don't forget to breathe.
When all else fails, grab a clown nose."
Tom Bergeron
You ever forget to breathe?  I's weird...when I get tied in knots, out of sorts...I forget to breathe.  Like the zebra, losing my stripes and running around in circles....streaking!

Like?  When I think the world I know is going downhill at breakneck speed...and society in general really has a black eye; can it get any worse?
Oh yeah, it can!
Like?  When each newscast seems to bring crazy news, hot off the burner; can it get any worse? 
Oh yeah, it can!

Warning: Michael is my ‘editor’; after proofing this post he remarked it was not in my usual style…not so light.  More serious…still, he ‘liked’ it…so here it is.  Different but relevant…to me, at least.  It alludes to personal accountability/responsibility.

First up: This isn't hot news...
but it took my breath away...aka snorting!  I just read an article about 'how to handle the menace known as your mother-in-law'...
hackled me enough to curl my hair. 
Okay,  I'll admit I'm touchy since I've four sons/no daughters. 
The MIL is usually depicted w/the son's mother as the 'the villain'...illustrated!  

Is there no hope for the 'nicer/tolerable mother-in-laws' of the world?  In general, society jokes/laughs about it but hey, it's not always funny.  Why is our society like that?

Thankfully, there are more than many mother-in-laws who are greatly loved and cherished. 

My mother gave me a bit of advice before M and I married..."Vasca, if you want to get along with your, always be sweet/kind and when she goes home you can do whatever you please."  And I followed her the nth degree.  My mother-in-law's name was Vashti (a bible Queen) and she thought it was really neat that I had such an unusual name! 

She loved to visit us and the feeling was honestly was.  One funny thing usually occurred...she would re-arrange some of our furniture.  Okay, I smiled and remained nice...when she went home?  Of course silly, I put it back where it came from...where I wanted it.  Peace reigned! 
I have a charge to keep...being a good example.  I grew up, stretched my wings while maturing and finally, what I'd prayed for came into my life.  That would be one totally blond/handsome/wonderful Michael who made me the happy girl/wife and mother I am today!  His mother was a good example...she raised a wonderful son!  Thank you, God. 

Next up: Colorado is in the news much of the time...
especially with it's legalization of marijuana
and it's like everywhere...
common as the kitchen sink...
where it's put to use in recipes...not sinks.'d that happen?  Easy, pass a law...but look what's taking place now!   By the way, users are saying they don't want their legislators to partake.  Double standards?  Oops!

What's troubling me is this...some fourth grade elementary kids were selling it at their school.  The news reported some got theirs from their grandmothers!  Granny, what are you thinking?  Some influence for sure...which is it? 
Oops, I'm a Granny.  Okay, while I was addicted to prescription drugs for 13 years, I didn't publicize it or try to pawn it off on my was my very own personal secret. 

Enough about mother-in-laws and marijuana...M&M's!

Ronald Reagan wrote:

“We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken,
society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker.
It is time to restore the American precept that each
individual is accountable for his actions.”
My addiction...
Was it someone's fault...the two accidents that injured and re-injured me? 
Was it the diagnosis of permanent, crippling disability from doctors/everyone?
The answer is very loud...and ever so clear.  While I probably wanted to blame something or someone wasn't gonna' happen and why not?  It was my responsibility and I have a humongous conscience that placed the blame exactly where it belonged...I was the guilty, a woman who had everything anyone could possibly hope for and was tossing it in the garbage!  My life...everything.  
Vasca, what were you thinking?  Truth?  I wasn't...I wasn't thinking of anything but me, myself and I.  Influence? Oh yeah, what influence?  

 Life is not about what I've done,
what I should've done, what I could've done.
It's about what I can do and what I will do."
Thank God, my sweet Michael and our four life isn't about what I've done, should've done or could've done...believe me, it's full of mistakes both great and small. 
It is about what God forgot I did...knows what I can do, what I'm doing and what I will do. 
I can and I try influencing others for the good...I can let them in on what God has done for and continues doing in my life.  Oh wow, now that's a biggie! 
I look back with thanksgiving for the forgiveness/understanding and encouragement I was given...I look at the changes in my life...I look forward with anticipation to influencing those that walk into and through my by day!  Do I cry?  Oh yes, I do...regret is still with me but joy is taking its place!

I can breathe...breathe...breathe...
taking in all the wonderful aromas I have in this life ...
and if, by chance, something stinky comes along? 
Well then...I'll just continue breathing...
put on my red clown nose and have a cookie. 
Can't beat that with a way!
From my yours,

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