Wednesday, May 7, 2014


"Don't spend your precious time asking "Why isn't the world a better place?"
It will only be time wasted.
The question to ask is "How can I make it better?"
To that, there is no answer!
Leo F. Buscaglia
I live and love in this awesome world that God created long has transformed itself, time and time continues the process moment by moment and God rules. 
Many horrific things go on ~ worldwide ~ how can one insignificant drop,  such as myself, make any difference at all? 
Celebrities do it, make a difference...they've fame and fortune for assets.  Billionaires/millionaires do it...perhaps they've unlimited resources.  Those with celebrated names have established schools, hospitals, it and its done!  Wonderful things!
Since it seems to be headlining the news these days, I'm thinking about Africa.  In the past it was called 'the Dark Continent'...the rest of the world knew little about it, it had much uncharted territory and was quite mysterious. 
Movies are made about've probably seen many of them.  Blood Diamond...Captain Phillips...Something of Value...Hotel Rwanda...African Queen...Out of Africa...I Dreamed of Africa...the series, name just a few.
Michael lived in the country of Eritrea...when he was there in 1970 it was included in Ethiopia but gained its independence a few years later.  My, how it has changed.
I spent six weeks with Michael in Massawa, Eritrea's port on the Red Sea, where M commanded the R&R and support, hot place!  Whew!  I was with a much different looking M who had very dark, brown skin and bleached white hair (bleached from the sun, not a bottle); his clothes were snow white...white shorts/shirts were the uniform of the day, due to the me, his maid service was much more efficient that what Vasca ever produced at home!   
From his residence to the port there was one road road out; a sad, dirt road usually lined w/kids constantly rubbing their eyes to try and get rid of the flies who were seeking moisture...blindness prevailed.  Not pleasant, is it?
He and Henry, his executive officer, employed two Eritrean girls (said to be half-sisters).  The first was Assafas, who cleaned, cooked and did the laundry.  She was very lovely w/a beautiful Coptic cross tattooed on her forehead.
She also made good African coffee...
she and I would sit out w/some of her friends in the more than 110 degree heat ;
sipping away (while I was melting)! 
This picture   >>>>>>>
isn't of me or Assafas; just use your imagination and picture us instead
Same scenery, w/o shade!

Assafas was a tribal chief's daughter who was divorced by her husband, had a child but wasn't allowed to keep it. 

Her sister Ababa came later...
she washed the car...that's it. 

One year after M's departure there was a terrific civil war culminating in Haile Selassie's overthrow!  What's happened to those we knew...Michael's close Eritrean & German friends...Assafas & Ababa?  Where are they now?  Who's to know but God.
There are many missionaries working in Africa...working all over that continent.  Orphanages abound and do worlds of good helping children left homeless by many conflicts...conflicts that seem endless.  Thousands of adults and children continue to suffer...and suffer...and suffer.
Recently, several hundred young girls have been abducted with whereabouts remaining unknown!  Those who claim responsibility are threatening to sell them...human trafficking...the world life goes on...and on...and on!
In 'Cocktail Hour Under the Tree of Forgetfulness'
Alexandra Fuller wrote of life in Africa:
“You learn not to mourn every little thing out here,
or you’d never, ever stop grieving.” 
Is that they ever stop grieving in Africa? 
The question I'm asking myself is, 'How can I make it better?'
Is the answer, 'there is no answer'?  I wonder.
Whatever the answer, at this particular moment in my life...
I'm seeking answers and advice from the One who knows it all...
Dear God, 
Please direct my thoughts to what I can and should be doing to help...
not only for Africa but for all who suffer. 
I'm trying to show your love by demonstrating what you've done in my life; 
the ways you have influenced me...
how I can be a conduit...a pipeline...for your living water to others.  
You are the are the answer.
Please, speak Lord, I'm listening!
In your son's most wonderful name, Amen.  
From my yours,


  1. Wonderful. I have a soft place in my heart for. Africa & the continuous struggles there. My favorite of all time films for the music & scenery. I must find your Alexandra Fuller

  2. Tough place to live. Tough place to survive.

  3. This is a wonderful post: percise and to the point. Beautifully written! Such a different world watching a movie or reading a book or newspaper could never give us the full pic like a personal visit! Thank you for sharing!
