Wednesday, May 28, 2014


At times our own light goes out
and is rekindled by a spark from another person.
Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude
of those who have lighted the flame within us.
- Albert Schweitzer
If you are anything at all like me, you have some really 'down times'...yes or no?  I doubt I'm the Lone Ranger here...possible but improbable.
I'm like a yo-yo at times...up and down...swingin' every which way but loose!  Takes a bit of introspection on my part to get me back on track where I want to and should be.
A couple of weeks ago on a shopping expedition I met an acquaintance and we exchanged thoughts about the renovation of the store; both of us really approved and were very happy with the upgrade.  Turned the corner to the next aisle and an angry lady squared off with "I hate this, I really hate this"  to anyone in there was no one in sight but me I asked, "What"?  Seemed she didn't like the length of the aisles so, "I'll be if I'm gonna' walk all the way to the other end!"  Without missing a beat I responded, "Well, you know, it's good exercise and it will keep one healthy."  Not so good...with a killer look and voice to match..."Not on this concrete floor it won't."  I couldn't help it...I looked her in the eye and said, "Get over it."  My bad. 
Really?  Oh yeah, my bad because I was steamed about that for days...not a good thing, right?  She took my happy disposition and stepped all over it.  Oops...I actually allowed her to do that?  I'm thinking I don't want to be that way again...not healthy, so get over it, Vasca!  Right on. 
Grocery shopping the very next week, a young guy I'd not seen before sacked and carried my groceries out.  We talked during the process (of course) and something he said made my heart so happy.  It seems he had changed his lifestyle, will be working in town all summer and had moved back care for his dad who has cancer.  It was a short conversation but it touched me that one so young cared so much...a loving son!  
He put the sparkle and shine back in my spirit...lit the flame.  
At times I let the most inane things dull my shine...that's not very smart.  And if I'm not careful, it rubs off on others...especially the ones close to me!  My friends, my family!  I imagine it also impacts my effect on about anyone I might encounter! 
Bad move, Vasca...bad move!
On the subject of losing my shine...have you ever longed and prayed for a relationship to be one of those 'special things'; only to be disappointed?  I have, more than once or twice, and I'm fairly certain much of the failure points to does hurt to admit it though. 
Dr.  Steve Maraboli  said "Let go of the people who dull your shine...
poison your spirit and bring you drama. 
Cancel your subscription to their issues."
Sterling example?  Me?  I am not...not by a long shot.  I look at things personally...I take things very personally.  Insecure?  I haven't a clue ~ all I know is I don't like confrontations and I like relationships to be smooth.  Michael tells me, "Vasca, it takes two to have a relationship and if one of the two doesn't want it, it won't work."
I'm thinking it's best to let go...maybe cancel my subscription?  Possibly, but knowing me as I do I'll probably continue practicing the old adage...'you can catch more bees with honey than vinegar'.  Better sweet than sour, you think?
Okay, it could be that I'm more sensitive due to my now advanced age...but that's not right either...because I've always, always been sensitive.  Must be in my genes! 
I want to be a light, a sparkle to others...not a poison arrow...meant to sting like a bee.  Like I told that lady, "Get over it."  Ouch! 
While I want to glow and pass it on...could I possibly have an ulterior motive...such as what Dolly Parton said, "Old people who shine from the inside look 10 to 20 years younger."  I'm all for that, Dolly.
Time to get busy, polish myself from the inside out to sparkle & shine...and pass it on!

Too often I forget the importance of pleasing the one who matters Heavenly Father.
From my yours,


  1. I hate when I let people get under my skin. Most times (really all the time) whatever it's about doesn't matter in the big scheme of things. I also don't like to be around negative people like the lady in the store. Those folks I can cut loose easily.

  2. I know...I know. Negative people really, really bug me! Not healthy...not one bit.
