Tuesday, May 20, 2014


If you're in a bad situation, don't worry it'll change.
If you're in a good situation, don't worry it'll change.
- John A. Simone
A few weeks ago I bought Michael and I a couple of new mugs (as in coffee mugs...not faces); what attracted me to them wasn't their shapes or sizes...it was what they said to me.
I gave M the earthy colored one (matches his awesome hair) that says,
 "EMBRACE CHANGE"...surrounded by beautiful butterflies. 
Mine is a beautiful blue (one of my fav colors) that says,
"EXPLORER OF TRUTH & BEAUTY...picturing a pretty girl w/pink cheeks and rosebud mouth with a flower tucked in her hair...surrounded by butterflies.
This summer we'll celebrate 62 years of wonderful marriage...really, it's awesome!  For your information...I'm smiling...why not? 
I think a lot about our two mugs...Embracing Change and Exploring Truth & Beauty...awesome because I think our life together has been full of all that. 
Our four sons have become men of promise, change and exploration...they've married and given us grandchildren who are also full of promise.  They're changing and exploring on their own and doing a great job of it. 
Any change, even a change for the better,
is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.
- Arnold Bennett
I'm thinking that most of our changes were for the better...granted the separations were painful, difficult and full of concern for the safety of my loving partner...truly was but we made it with lots of loving support. Our sons were young but they were 'my men' and lifted me up in their dad's absences. All of us changed with the times.

The boys graduated from
high school;
moved on for college

and jobs...                                
M and I became 'empty nesters';
loved it when our guys

moved back home...
then? Oops, back out again.
Oh my, how we love them.
They married...
we found ourselves in-laws,
another new role for our resumes!
Later on?

Ha, we became grand-parents...
that's a biggie, right?
Grand Parents...sounds important...
hey, it is...oh my, it really is!

We embrace the changes.

Retirement once...retirement twice for Michael; life changed again. Like? 
24/7 togetherness, that's what...but hey, it's been great, too. 
It's good to think most of those changes were also for the better...no discomfort for the two of us! 
Well, some of the culture changes were tiny bumps in the road...
like freezing in the winter  w/o heat...
sweating in the summer w/o air conditioning. 
Mere inconvenience, right?    
I suppose some people just do not like change...change of any sort.  Moving around the country, the world...living along side people different from themselves.  Some don't like changes in their diet, eating habits, new foods! 
What about time changes? 
Ha...I really have never cared for Daylight Saving Time but that's the way it is...
so I've adapted to it and it's not so bad...matter of fact,
it's kinda' nice. 
Schools adapt new curriculum's, time; new kids move in...some move out.  Church congregations change things; ministers, time, classes, buildings...right?  We adapt...we learn to do things differently and it's not so bad...we adapt to changes.
M and I have changed...we've explored and learned; oh my, how we've learned and grown in the process.  Explored truth and explored beauty...truths are not always pleasant but need to be faced. 
We've explored the beautiful history of Greece
and had rocks thrown at us...
spent the night in a convent (end of the road) 
high in the Swiss Alps...
witnessed poverty and drought in Ethiopia...
became lost in China! 
                                             Dr. Seuss wrote,
“You'll get mixed up, of course, as you already know.
You'll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go.
So be sure when you step.
Step with care and great tact and remember
that Life's a Great Balancing Act.
Just never forget to be dexterous and deft.
And never mix up your right foot with your left.”
Talk about getting mixed up? 
Oh brother, been there...done that...more than once!
Not always stepped with care or great tact...sometimes stepped right in it. 
You get it, I'm sure!
And I'm a klutz...meaning I can't keep my feet under control...
rather than brake, I tend to break...ouch!
So...changing?  Exploring? 
I'm going over this again:
If I'm in a bad situation, don't worry it'll change.
If I'm in a good situation, don't worry it'll change.
Besides, exploring & facing changes with God in charge? 
No sweat...no fret...'cause He's right beside me...24/7!
And I'm holding on all the way!
It's written..."Don't be afraid, just believe"...
Believe me, I do.

From my heart...to yours,

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