Saturday, August 29, 2015


"Your kids watch you for a living.
It's their job; it's what they do.
That's why it's so important to try your best to be a good role model."
James Lehman

On the Sunday morning a few days before schools started up for this year...many congregations had all the students...from little tykes to college grad students stand in front of the congregation...what a wonderful sight.  Tell you what...those kids are little brainiacs, honestly.  Made for a few goose-bumps and then to even think about the things they're going to study?  Wow!  Such a challenge.

I don't recall having many, if any, choices in high school as to what courses I preferred.  Counselors were non-existent.  Computers and cell phones?  Who knew?   Oh well, we survived; after all, those were the years during and following the end of WWII...times were different and honestly there really were lots of good times!  Just different.

It's awesome, the education students get these days; and the teachers must be like geniuses to teach such curriculums...impressive.  I understand nothing but that's beside the point...I'm not physically going to school.  Kids are so bright.
Stop and think about how much the world we live in, the society we're surrounded it has changed; how quickly things progress.  Or, on the other hand, how quickly some things digress?  I think on it more often these's downright disturbing.

 "Society has gotten to the point where everybody has a right...
but nobody has a responsibility.
There seem to be some big problems in this society...piling one on top of the other and wonder when will we take responsibility for our actions. 
Looking at all those students, beginning another year of learning...what are they thinking about?  What are their hopes, their they feel secure?
What do they think when they watch their parents, their teachers, their friends...their role models?  You...or I someone they even know?  Am I responsible for being an example?

"Looking out for your children is an ongoing process throughout your life."
Liam Neeson 
I was always scared at the beginning of each school year; maybe it was due to being in a new city, a new school every year!  I was never good at breaking the ice...terrified.  My freshman year was in Burbank, California...sophomore year in Van Nuys, California...junior year in Iraan, Texas and senior year in Odessa, Texas.  And bless my heart if I didn't move our four sons about the same way.  From Healdton, Oklahoma to Newport News, Virginia to Athens, Greece to Newport News again...then to Lawton, Oklahoma and at Norman, Oklahoma!  Whew...that wasn't so bad was it?  I think the boys were scared as I was when it came to new schools.  We looked out for each other though...that's important; I did my best to make each move exciting for them and that helped lift their spirits. 

Schools now have counselors...and that's a good thing, a very good thing.  Kids can talk about what goes on in their minds, their actions...their worlds and oh boy, sometimes their worlds can be far removed from ours.  Some bad things out there...for instance?

One high school (probably not the only one) had a group of students who made a pact to commit suicide on a certain date...the date came and went without incident except for one of the group who actually carried out the plan.  How heartbreaking...and no one outside the group realized what was going on. 

Here's another example...earlier this summer I met a guy fresh out of high school.  I asked if he had any plans cooking; he said his parents are insisting he 'do something' because if he doesn't he'll get shiftless and lazy.  The guy is working at a pretty good job this summer but said 'I guess I'll join the Air Force'.  I've talked w/him since; he's going to be inducted next month and guess what?  He's nervous and a little scared.  I totally get it; I'd be terrified.  Life can be frightening, you think? 
Maybe kids don't want to look to you or me for much...but do you sometimes find yourself surprised at what one of them might come up with and share with you?  They've much to teach us...much to share with us, with you and with me.  Sharing is good, right?  Yep, it is.  Okay, so long as we aren't pushy with it.
I am responsible for what I project...whether or not I'm aware of being watched or listened to...someone is watching me...someone is listening.  And, believe it or not, I learn by listening and watching me, age is irrelevant. 
Kids are most precious...and I am just as responsible as you
to help care for, here's a closing thought:
"With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet,
too smart to go down any not-so-good street."
Dr. Seuss
From my yours,

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