"What is something you might predict happening to you in the future?"
(An insurance ad...)
(An insurance ad...)
"Keep calm. God is writing your story."
Doesn't mean we are sour-pusses w/each other...on the contrary...we have lots of fun and lovely moments...got off the subject...oops! Back to what I might predict happening?
Well I don't know...I've had a lifetime of surprises...none of which I would have predicted!
Things change quickly, don't they? Recently I've spent time reading and looking at photos of the events of September 11, 2001. It brought back many memories; for me, it's impossible to hold back tears...that was truly what I'd call a gut-wrenching time.
Fox ran a deal on it and survivors were revealing some of the cell phone calls, etc. they received from people on the planes that were the tools of the terrorist's...people trapped in the towers. I remembered hearing some of those fourteen years ago.
How things have changed since then.
You remember how people were seen and heard praying...how people gathered in church buildings...how the nation pulled to put itself back together...how united we were!
Was that all just a dream? I think not...it was real, it moved us!
What happened to all of that...
It seems to me, these days, we are a fractured nation; full of animosity/hatred/malice (whatever you want to call it) in many respects. Party loyalties seems to reign rather than what's good for the country, the people (that's us). It turns my stomach to read and hear some of the hateful words that come from supposedly decent people.
Prayer and religiosity are ridiculed; God is mocked. Morality seems to be topsy-turvy!
What has happened in these 14 years? Ah, you think perhaps we forgot some important things?
Many things are said concerning music; I say it soothes my soul...settles my spirit...calms my nerves...makes me smile...makes me laugh...makes me cry!
I really don't know what I might predict happening to me in the future...it's not a problem. I do know this...it's important to turn the page...change my tune...get on with it and invest in other people.
As the Psalmist wrote: "I will not be silent;
I will sing praise to you.
Lord, you are my God;
I will give you thanks forever."
There's a song in my heart...God is writing my story...HE's in charge and I am totally calm.
From my heart...to yours,
Vasca (Pictures courtesy of Peanuts...Charles Schulz)
"Transformation in the world happens
when people are healed and start investing in other people."
Michael W. Smith
Healing sometimes come quickly; sometimes it's a slow go process...I suppose at times there is no healing, I really don't know. Personally, I am healing. Healing from what, Vasca? Well, many things...many quite personal things. Michael doesn't realize that it's God working through him to heal me. How is that?
A large part of it is this...his swallowing therapy that's probably in the fifth week...he goes each Thursday morning for one hour and then practices at home. At first he wasn't following instructions but he discovered "Hey, this is really helpful. I'm getting some voice and I don't choke so often."
The sweetest sounds I've heard in such a long time come from wherever it is he's practicing; beautiful songs...spiritual songs. And when he isn't practicing? His voice goes on and on in my head...day and night. Now, it might drive you bananas but for me it's heavenly and it's healing me...healing my heart.

I really don't know what I might predict happening to me in the future...it's not a problem. I do know this...it's important to turn the page...change my tune...get on with it and invest in other people.
As the Psalmist wrote: "I will not be silent;
I will sing praise to you.
Lord, you are my God;
I will give you thanks forever."
There's a song in my heart...God is writing my story...HE's in charge and I am totally calm.
From my heart...to yours,
Vasca (Pictures courtesy of Peanuts...Charles Schulz)
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