Tuesday, July 31, 2018


"We keep moving forward, opening new doors 
and doing new things because we're curious,
and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."
Walt Disney 

Michael and I have had an awesome life; we truly have.  God has molded us without our realization;  We've been together now for sixty-six years...wow, that's a long, long time .  I cannot say that it has been all silky smooth because it hasn't.  We've had our personal ups and lots of personal downs.  But after all, life isn't perfect, is it?  M and I are opposites in almost everything...but we've always come together whatever the point of contention.  Now, after all this time, we understand each other.  And, we appreciate our relationship...in fact, we are deeply in love with each other.

I had thought we would settle in his hometown and never, ever move.  Yay!  Well, that certainly was short lived.  When Steve (our first son) was a baby we moved to Kentucky so M could attend a military course at Fort Knox...he was still in the National Guard.  Brag on him...he was 1st in Map Reading...oh my, did we ever have arguments over roads!  Ha!  He always won...you think?

From Kentucky we moved to Odessa the roads were sometimes a bit sandy.  Mike tried his hand in the oilfield...he absolutely hated it.  So?  He quit...no job in sight and he couldn't find one.  Another baby boy. Moved back to his hometown.  Owned a gas station...worked in a joint venture hardware store w/his dad.  

Accepted for active duty in the Army and we were off...first call was Virginia.  Before the first week was over, M was spirited off to an unknown destination and commanding a stevedore company!!!  Talk about the adventure...woohoo!  Four little boys and me...on our own in a strange place.  But...we made it, we made it in style and loved it...loved it.  Happy us! Beautiful roads...all trees!  

Lewis Carroll wrote: "Every adventure requires a first step."                                                              

This shy girl was afraid of her own shadow but I believe God did a number on me.  All of a sudden, at the end of each day, I was not the girl that I was that morning...I had changed and would continue changing...day by day!  

Michael took me around the world and back...I had never dreamed that would be my life!  'My Life'...,my life indeed was being formed quite rapidly and most radically.. I loved it.  I did.

M and I were on all sorts of roads...and we usually argued about which one was the 'right one'.  But, we always found our way.  Once I got so angry w/him over directions that I threatened to take Steve and move home to my parents...only I had no money.  Of coursae, we were lost so I couldn't very well walk.  That settled that.  Talked about fun?  Ha, Ha!

Somehow we ended up in Wisconsin in 1991. I think it was because when we were fishing on Lake Michigan I caught all the fish and that cinched that...we moved there.  Those roads get covered in snow and ice in the winter and it also gets VERY cold...brrr!  But we loved it...loved it.  Molding.  You can be molded while freezing...God is very good at that.  

God had some idea about us going to China...yes, He did and that was a big step, deluxe.  Good grief, we were seventy-two years old after all.  We went for a year and ended up almost three years.  But, we loved it, we loved it.  God smiled on all of us.  

And now?  Oh, now!  Here we are, as Michael dubs it 'the fourth quarter.  Lives have changed and neither of us is like we were...because we've changed in ways we surely never dreamed of.  Different people...oh yes, we are...so different.  From one day to another, change is there/here!  

This is the first day of August, so here's what I am planning on


I had an awakening today; indeed I did.  I dream quite a lot; I know most people do the same.  Many of my dreams are unusual in that they exhibit themselves in a real fashion within a very short time.  Something has changed in my heart; and it's fine.  It's fine and I have a new sense of what's needed.  

I'll let you know what happens...along the way.  I'm smiling because I'm thinking about our awesome God...and I believe He is still molding me.  Wouldn't you think that it might just be a tad difficult molding a stubborn, eighty-eight year old woman?  Of course not, He is God.  He is God and He does fantastic things all the time...even when I forget to tune in.  And...He doesn't fool around.  Nope! 

Okay, here it is 1:00 AM; I should have been in my bed at least a couple of hours ago...but all I can say about that is...I was, I am inspired.  New Me?  Same old me...outwardly, I think I'm curious as to this new path I'm on.  Interesting?  Indeed, it is most interesting.  

As always,
From My Curious, Adventuresome Heart...To Yours,

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