Friday, August 31, 2018


Happiness is the new rich
Inner peace is the new success
Health is the new wealth
Kindness is the new cool.

Miss 'Smile's a Lot' here, on occasion gets a tad down and sad.  You possibly have similar times; most folks do.  I try my best to stay up but when my M gets 'lost' in his Parkinson's I tend to quake as do the aspen trees.  Do they quake, quiver or rustle?  Whatever.  I quiver inside.  

I've been reading Bob Goff's books and he is a fascinating gentleman; inspirational and I've laughed a lot, quickly moved to tears.  God does things to me; He leads and I stumble along behind but I get the messages...loud and clear!  The first book I read was "Love Does"...published in 2012.  This year he has a new one out, "Everybody; Always".  Amazing is how I describe this man and what God does with him...truly amazing. 

Anyway, moving along here...I've been searching for some time how to be more active (for want of a better description) walking w/God and doing what I feel He would like me to be about.

I've always been observant and notice most everything around me.  Now, since Michael and I are in a different environment for our Hot Date Sunday's there are many things to watch and store in my mine.  My memory bank is rapidly filling; it may even overload and crash...hope not!  

The Assisted Living dining room is usually full...of older people, of course.  After all, people, this is a Senior Living place.  We usually have a little table for two.  I noticed the very first Hot Date a tall, nice looking African-American gentleman came in and took a seat at a large table in the very back of the room, ordered and had his lunch all by himself.  I didn't notice anyone speaking or even acknowledging him.

For the next three Sunday's there he was again but sitting at a small table for two.  I couldn't get him out of my mind and thought about him every day.  

Surprise, yesterday I went to retrieve my mail and there he was standing in the foyer.  I walked over to him and told him I would like to ask him a question and he said okay.  Question..."Do you live in the Assisted Living building?"  "Yes ma'am I sure do".  V..."I thought so because I see you dining in there every Sunday.  You're alone, at a table for two so my husband and I thought of joining you but it wouldn't fit for three."  He smiled, we shook hands and I asked his name.  Doug...well, Doug, I'm Vasca.  D...unusual and hard name to remember.  V...yes, I know...just think of Alaska and he gave a big laugh and smiled.  Said that would help.  I found out some facts about his life; he found out some of mine and M's.  He's been on mission trips to Africa.  He thanked me for spending time with him and I imagine we'll be seeing more of him on Sunday's.

See, I was concerned about him and God put us together...neat, yes?  God does stuff and makes it so easy!   
"Happiness is an inward and not outward.
And so, it does not depend on what we have
but what we are."
Henry Van Dyke

I've not noticed a sense of competition among all these 'senior's'...oh, the parking lot has all kinds of on down or none, but no one seems to care or talk about those trappings.  For sure, most no longer own homes and conversations are everyday topics.  One doesn't hear least not as a disturbance.  It's rather like 'this is the way we are...24/7'.  More like 'what we are'...that's good.

I'm know me well by this time.  I'm really down to earth as in no-make up days most of the time.  Comfort, comfort...oh boy, that's wonderful.  Don't tell my boys or M that some days I stay in my jammies all day...even have had guests and hostessed in the jammies.  They look like regular clothes, after all.  

God knows me; He knows the real Vasca.  I don't have a double hidden in the closet for making a statement or impressing others.  I was probably uppity several years ago but I've bloomed.  Took time but I came around ~ I believe it's what God wants, don't you?

"He who enjoys good health is rich,
though he knows it not." 
Italian Proverb

One of the main reasons we're living here is for better health; especially for my darling Michael.  He is doing so much better.  He still has some delusions but at least, he's safe.  He also continues losing weight, gradually but nonetheless, he's losing.  I believe that's consistent w/Parkinson's.  Everyone who works with him loves him and I mean love!  He truly is a wonderful gentleman.  He's trying his best...all the time.  After all, our motto as Beall's is "Be All that you can be".  

"Kindness is a passport that opens doors and fashions friends.
It softens hearts and molds relationships that can last lifetimes."
Joseph B. Wirthlin

We didn't renew our passports since we knew we would no longer be travelling out of the country; not a good idea.  But we do have our 'kindness passports'.  They'll open doors.  Kindness and being nice will get one just about anywhere w/anyone.  Okay, not all people appreciate those niceties but it doesn't put a damper on it, does it?  Of course not.  Catch more bees with honey than vinegar.  I work on that 24/7 and it's successful; Jesus was kind and loving.  He showed the way;I want to Jesus.  

He didn't have a wardrobe, fancy trappings, nor did his group.  Lived and travelled lightly, He connected and that's what I must do...connect.  He uses ordinary people like us to do things we never dreamed of.  Just think!!!  I tell strangers what He has done in our lives and they tell me "it gives them chill-bumps".  Me, too.  

Two people; one born in his parents bedroom in a small oil town; the other born in the upstairs bedroom of her grandparents simple house on a rental farm in the country.  God finagled it to get us together and in spite of M's declaration 'that girl (Vasca) will never set foot in my car!  Well, he learned 'that girl' ended up owning half of everything he possessed.  I think God smiled at that.  Big smile...oh yes!  Yes!  

Happiness, honest and truly, is an inside job.  You follow God, put yourself in His hands and happiness is yours.  It is certainly ours and we plan to keep it like that...all the way to the finish line.  Like Paul wrote about finishing the race.  Keep on keeping on.  No matter what matter.  God is good, all the matter what.  We love Him and are thankful all the matter what and we're hanging in there...good times and the not so good matter what.  And we can laugh and laugh when we're standing up, wrapped in each other's arms, giving kisses...telling each other we must be careful or we'll fall over backwards together.  God is so good...all the time. 

Yes, yes.  

From my happy, peaceful, healthy and kind yours,


  1. Replies
    1. You are most welcome. It makes my heart warm and yet humble. Everything I want to do is help someone have a bit of something to warm their hearts. God is the inspiration and He's the best...always!
