Sunday, August 26, 2018


Permission to publish art from Dennis Cox

I'm far from perfect, but I'm on the doorstep of 'worth it'

You ever think about twinkling?  I do; I think about it quite a lot.  I'm basically a happy person and I really work at it.  Of course, I have tearful moments; until recently I had lots of them but they're sort of passing away.  I had a few seconds worth this evening but poof...they dried quickly. 

I dream a lot; but I do my dreaming at night while I'm sleeping.  Since I have difficulties getting to the sleep stage I try thinking 'happiness, positivity' and what I can do to pass it on.  That helps a bit.

You see, I think I was given an opportunity to do some more things in and with my life.  Michael told me once that he believed God kept me going because He had more for me to do.  And I believe him.
I want to 'twinkle'...really 'twinkle'.  All for God...oh yes! 

"It's impossible to make your eyes twinkle if you aren't feeling twinkly yourself." 
Roald Dahl

That's what this post is about, in part. Getting twinkly.  If you'll hang in here you may get my drift.  Hope so!

Honestly, I do a lot of silly things...silliness is a form of  happy things for me.  


I am definitely not athletic.  I'm a stumbler...all thumbs...cannot throw anything but straight at my feet...yikes!  Absolutely no one ever wanted me on their team.  Oh but once I was on a bowling team and I was the most improved bowler of the year.  Yay for me.  I hit a hole-in-one on a real gold course once w/M and the 4 boys but wouldn't you know it.  None of them were watching so they never believed me but trust me, I did.  I was so proud.  

A few years ago, Michael took me under his wing, (actually took pity on me)  tried to teach me to hit the trash basket with wadded Kleenex, paper towels, anything at hand.  I couldn't do it.  He didn't give up and now?

Seriously, when I'm waiting in a doctor's office...or the eye research study...I'm in the room alone for quite a spell so I wad up Kleenex and practice shooting at the trash basket. I did so Thursday and proud to announce I'm getting better.  I also practice in my bathroom and I'm excited when I hit the basket. 

Having four sons plus Michael?  They all were accomplished 'spitters'; not wanting to be left out I decided to try my hand at spitting.  I watched Jack teach Rose in "Titanic" and w/a few tips from Michael I did it.  Hey, I was overboard happy with my new feat and measured my 'spits'.  A few people thought that was more than disgusting but that hasn't stopped me. 

Please keep your laughter under control...I know, I know.  Okay, it keeps me out of mischief.

Another 'happy thing' I do is play beautiful music on my i-pad when I'm out and about here at the Vantage.  I also played it in the eye clinic last Thursday.  The doctor loved it.  They didn't know I was privately practicing my basket shots .

Also  I smile at everyone while greeting them...must've been born smiling.  We exchange pleasantries and I like to find something to compliment them about and that brings happiness all the way around.  A super sweet, older gentleman followed me down the hall today and told me he knew something...that I was always happy and it was contagious!  Love him. 

Some folks have such troublesome things in their lives and sometimes there's just not much one can do to physically help but a conversation helps...a touch...a smile...just some one thing personal.  It shows you care.  I've met some of the sweetest, nicest people here who seemed to be 'alone'...I mean absolutely alone.  It causes me to be even more thankful for my wonderful family.  I want to help people feel some relief, some feeling of 'there's some help here'.  And of course there is...God is watching and will help.  We simply must share His news.

Some time back I was reticent to talk about God and what He does for us;  that was my bad and I overcame it.  I believe going to China helped me break from that mold and I'm no longer 'afraid' to talk about what He stands for and for all the awesome things He's done in my the life M and I have made together.

This post isn't about anything in particular...I feel like shouting from the top of the happy I am...I want to twinkle, twinkle, twinkle.  I pray it is contagious.  Happiness and twinkling sort of go me, at least.  No demand that you agree with me...we're all different, right?  Good thing, good thing. 

Unfinished business...there's someone out there that needs encouraging; I'm keeping my eyes and ears open...watching and listening so I won't miss whoever that is.  God knows and He's tending business.

Here, where I now reside, we have wonderful drivers to transport us where we need to go.  One of them and I were talking the other day and somehow we drifted into 'near death experiences'.  Now I know not everyone would want to hear about some things...but there are just as many who are interested in hearing such experiences from those they trust to be serious and sane.

My friend recounted a near fatal heart attack some years ago and thankfully pulled through it.  It completely altered his life.  God does that.

Here's mine:
I suffered a serious back and neck injury.  My head/neck was always at an awkward and painful extreme right angle so I was given muscle relaxers and arthritic medications to ease the condition.  

To make a long story short, one evening Michael rushed me to the ER since I was seriously ill.  No wonder, I had only two units of blood in my poor bod.  I'd had absolutely no symtom's.

The next evening my family was called in and seems I was 'going...going'.

A few days later a nurse that I didn't recognize came in; she remarked how much better I looks than when she last saw me.  I told her I only remembered one thing; she asked what it was.

I told her I remember I was flat on my back in the hospital bed and suddenly I sat up and was looking at a beautiful, long hall lit with sort of ethereal lighting; someone was waiting for me.  A large double door at the end.  Then...I said in a very big voice, "I AM NOT, I AM NOT" and promptly lay back down and went to sleep.

She said, "Honey, no never moved the entire time and I stayed right beside your bed.  We thought we were losing you and trust me, you never moved a muscle or said a word."

I didn't share that experience with anyone for years; I finally shared it with Michael.  He looked at me and said God was not finished with me.  I suppose he was correct since that was my second experience at death's door.  I must be a Rubbermaid, more bounce to the ounce, right?  Right! 

Perhaps this isn't the 'best post' I've ever written but it was on my heart to do so.  Here you have it...full of renewed determination to do more for others...encounters with those who need a bit of sparkle in their day...passing happiness on so someone else will pass it on to someone else.  God knows and He so cares.  I pray that when my time comes to leave this earth I will be used up.  

A beautiful woman said, "We are all of us stars and we deserve to twinkle:.

So, my friends, twinkle...twinkle...a little sparkle never hurt anyone.  

From my sparkling yours,


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