I watched them tearing a building down
A gang of men in a busy town.
With a ho-heave-ho and a lusty yell.
They swung the beam and a side wall fell.
I asked the foreman, "Are these men skilled?
The kind you'd hire if you were to build?"
He gave a laugh and said, "No indeed.
Common labor is all I need.
I can easily wreck in a day or two
What builders have taken years to do."
And so I asked, as I went my way,
Which of these roles have I tried to play?
Am I a builder with a well made plan
Lifting other the best I can.
Or am I a wrecker, who walks the town
Content with the labor of tearing down.
We've plowed through the pandemic...or at least it seems we're in recovery. That is strictly my personal opinion and as you know, I am no expert on most things.
There have been crimes involving the wearing of masks. We've had all sorts of arguments over social distancing...among other things...name it, we've had it.
For quite some time we've been embroiled in 'woke'...'cancellation'...new words/classifications (at least, new to me). Who knows what is acceptable or some sort of crime? Certainly, I am ignorant concerning most of it. One can do what they personally consider a most innocent gesture or word when unbeknownst to them it has become an insulting or obcene thing?
Don't throw me under the bus here, I'm not taking this down a political avenue. What I am trying to do is point out some things that seem to be 'taking over' or at least becoming more prevalent. Bear with me.
This is just a small thing in the big picture of what's going on but it is a beginning point to me. It's a 'zing' thing. In the urban dictionary one definition of 'zing' is 'a form of put-down' so that's how I consider it.
Point in question...I follow a woman in an eastern metropolis who recently wrote in her blog about an encounter with an acquaintance who publicly spoke, what she considered, a 'catty' remark to her and; she responded with a 'zing' that was equally as catty. What ensued was a long string of comments that all applauded her for her 'awesome zing response'.
That's what grabbed me; this concept of getting in the best 'whack' of the pack...getting the best of the other party.
What has happened to us that we feel the free wheeling urge to have a most hurtful response...the get even thing?
I admit I've played that game and I'm ashamed of myself for doing so...I should have kept my mouth shut...my lips zipped...but I didn't. Did I offend/hurt someone? Yes indeed...I did, in a big way...it was most rude of me and I never apologized.
Okay, God has worked on me; I'm giving myself an overhaul from inside out...currently it's my mouth; trying to be more like Jesus. The importance is God knows my heart; He knows I'm catching myself when I might say the 'zing'...whoops, stop in your tracks...no 'zing-ing' for you!
Remember, love your neighbor as yourself...right? Right!!! I surely don't want to be tearing others down, I want to build bridges...to build other up - I can do that, I can.
One last thing. I read something that gripped my heart and filled me with sorrow.
Last week, a mom in California was driving her six year old son to kindergarten via a California freeway. She was changing from the carpool lane to her exit ramp when another driver cut her off. She said she gave the other driver 'the finger' which apparently enraged the persons in the other car..
Suddenly her son cried out that his stomach hurt. She pulled over to check him; he died in her arms. The other driver had shot into the rear of her car, the bullet went through the rear of the car, into the back seat where her son was sitting. The police have yet to find the driver who fired a shot that killed the child.
Be careful out there...it's dangerous.
From my heart...to yours,
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