and there was light.
Genesis 1:3
Monday morning I was unusually anxious to hit the floor to begin the day; most unusual, as I have been sleeping late most of the last few mornings. I hadn't been up five minutes when my place went dark; whoops, no electricity in the entire building. Okay, I needed to eat something 'cause I had to take my meds...they liked to go down with know, with food. Couldn't cook/zap anything but thankfully had some cereal and milk. Ate it in semi-darkness but it did the job.
I couldn't read or shower...or anything but think. After an hour it returned to regular service and I thanked God for it. Oh, how I take these luxuries for granted. I don't like having them go off. When storms knock out thousands of users it really messes things up. Just think, hardly anything these days can do the job w/o it.
During my lifetime I've been to Carlsbad Caverns several times. You get down in the depths of that beautiful cavern in the Big Room and what? They turn off the lights; surely that is THE darkest dark ever. That room is more than six football fields wide and 25 stories high. What it must have been like discovering the place w/small lamps? Ooh!
Two years ago Jeff and Mary Linda gave us tickets to "Sound of Music" in Dallas for a matinee performance. We got tied up in traffic/parking and were a few minutes late. Rather than wait for a break the usher went ahead, showed us to the aisle then left leaving us groping in the dark. I actually got on my knees to crawl to my seat. Ha, talk about groping? All four of us decided that was one dangerous scene. I'd have paid for a matter how small.
I live in a corner apartment at the front of the main building and of course that provides a 'bird's eye' view of everything. I can't count the times the EMT's come ' all times of day and night. Of course we're a community of elderly people, so that isn't surprising.
When they come in the middle of the night their flashing red lights illuminate my bedroom walls.
I don't mind the light at all. However I always give pause to who it might serious it frightened the passenger might be...the concern of family and loved ones.
I always say a prayer for the medical techs and the person they're working on...they need prayers!
I recall when one of our grandson's attended WCS early on; their campus was just off the main thoroughfare and when an ambulance would go by; siren wailing...the children would stop and pray! How wonderful. I'm thinking 'become like little children'.
When red lights and sirens sound going down the streets, highways motorists immediately pull to the side and stop, giving safe way to those in harm's way, We respect those lights.
What about green lights? Man alive, when a green light goes on? "Get outta' the way, pokey. I'm in a rush, got places to go and things to do." Never mind, most of the time you'll get there same time as them. Green means 'go'...the green room for TV, etc. means the ready to go place where the talent or guests wait to go on stage. Means "GO"
I doubt most of us have any trouble with going...except! I loved going...I've gone here and there most of my life. I flew all over the world, the girl who was frightened of her own shadow but love changes things and I wanted to be where my main partner was so I threw down the gauntlet and went...I did GO!
My problem was going when God nudged me...I was like a balky mule...I'm not going. My conscience got the better of me and I went...all the way to Chine...even relocating once while working there. I initially agreed to go and then turned the leaf and said 'No, I cant go'. God stepped into my heart and I went and stayed. It was my life changing experience and God's purpose worked...of course. He does have a certain way. I believe you understand.
But why is it where worldly things are involved I seem eager to jump on the bandwagon...spiritual going always seems a bit more difficult. Do you find yourself in those situations?
Then, there's that WARNING light that puts terror in your know, the one in some cases where you're driving merrily along, enjoying the drive when whacko!
That warning light starts flashing. Well, if you're a non-mechanic like me...your heart jumps up in your throat and stays there 'cause what are you gonna' do if the car breaks down and you don't have a clue what to do except call your road service if you happen to have one! Okay, so maybe you're an extremely gifted woman, a genius to boot. Be my guest.
Think about all these lights...hey, they're all around us, almost everywhere. Warning, warning...they're in your car, in your your phone. Warning of low fuel, overheated engine, dinner burning, etc. Endless warnings. Sporting events...whistles from the refs, umpires letting the players know they'd just caused a penalty that'll cost the team. Yikes! Warnings on your grocery cannot avoid the warning signs. Okay, so you think they aren't important? Think again!
Thank you, God for lighting the world. You gave instructions for our behavior...warning signs are very clear, simple enough for anyone to understand and yet, oh wow what happened. So many many!
Lot's wife comes to my know she was warned not to look lights were everywhere due to such a sinful city they chose to live it, lived there anyway. God was saving them, gave them an out with a warning. Foolish woman. Who would want to be a pillar of salt? Ugh.
Foolish woman indeed...that's about you? I've made some really bad decisions in my adult life...certainly old enough to know better. I have a terrific conscience and when I'm about to step in stuff it nags me. What do I do? Well...I put it in a closet and close the door, refusing to open because I know what it will do...and I don't want to hear it. I want to do what I want at that point in time. That's the truth, so help me. I have improved and always come around begging God's forgiveness. I guess 'old age' has wizened me. Thank God for giving me second changes repeatedly. Lesson after lesson!
You ever had anything bad happen to you because you failed to pay mind to the warning signals sent your way. Oh God, I would never fall into that trap. Oh yeah! Two words I no longer have in my vocabulary...never and always! Bite my tongue! The fine can be almost unforgettable...really.
God is right there with us; right around, under, over...and what is it He tells us? "I will never leave you, I will be with you always." Oh my, how great is our God...He said, "Let there be light and there was light." I cannot survive without His light to guide me...all the way...I've nothing to fear.
From my loving yours, Vasca
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