Friday, July 17, 2020


You ever get up on the wrong side of the bed and have one of the worst days ever?  Seemed like everything that could go wrong did while the pile somehow got higher and higher 'til you thought you couldn't handle another crisis until sure enough, another one happened.  What next?  

Snapped!  Snapped, then crackled...finally popped!  Hopefully you wouldn't encounter someone but by chance you exploded.  Ever happen to you?

It's happened to me, several times and the explosion was no way pleasant...downright horrid.  
When angry?  I should keep my lips ziplocked...why is that so difficult?  Why?

Later on I wised up and put a rein on my tongue...bit it lots of times, too.  I tried teaching myself to refrain from using 'never' and 'always'.  Eating my words always tasted worse coming up!  

"Don't mix your words with your mood.
You can change your mood but
you can't take back your words."

Aah.  Words, words and more words.  All of us know how important they are...they can build bridges; they can also blow those bridges skyhigh!

Here in America we are in the midst of pandemonium (as is much of the world)...we think it can't get worse, we'll have a break in the clouds.  Next thing you know the gloom envelopes us once more.  Can't get ahead for getting behind.

Along with Covid-19 there are demonstrations (peaceful and otherwise)...riots, defunding the police, rampant crimes. quarantines/lockdowns, openings/ name it, we're having it.

Certainly last but in no way least is the upcoming presidential election.  Ha, this year it takes place on my 90th birthday no less.  

The 'War of Words' in our society has been waging for who can say how long.  It began a long time ago and has gone from mild to excruciating...could it possibly worsen?  God must shudder. 

So people are edgy these days...confused and at times, angry - it's rather easy to say something in response to your fuse being lit...regret immediately - guess what?  Couldn't take it back...maybe you wished you could eat those words.  On the other had maybe you wished you would've said even more...stick it to 'em?

I've felt the need much to often to get the 'last word' in...much of the time I wasn't even 'hearing' the speaker's words - too occupied planning my comeback...get my point in, don't 'ya know?  

Politics seem to bring out the worst of the!  It's them or us.  I could never discuss politics with my dad...we angrily didn't see eye to eye.  So there!!!  You ever argue politics? 

Facebook is a different vehicle for everyone who uses it.  I share my life on Facebook...well, not everything but what I deem worthy.  The joy I receive from 'friends' is immeasurable.  I've become friends w/kids who went to college with mine, relatives I hadn't been in contact with suddenly entered my life - precious friendships.

Now political views are prominently displayed...sometimes aired in anger...others simply to share ideas/views!  Often feeling are hurt...even among families...people are 'unfriended'...more feeling hurt.  Words are written...some are understood while others are misunderstood.  
What to do?

I admit to getting my hackles up easily and when I step back, taking a hard look at thoughts, words, my actions?  I definitely do not like what I see.  

Words fall out of my mouth much too quickly, without thought.  How foolish am I...too foolish, too demeaning...extremely hurtful.  

A standout memory for you - one sentence from Michael...short, thoughtful.  M never liked arguing...while I argued away.  I also had a short fuse and took revenge on him with sharp tongue.  During one of my tirades he looked at me and quietly said, "Vasca, do you have any idea how hurtful your words are to me"...his gentle spirit moved me. 

Okay, so I have my opinion, you have yours, they have theirs.  I plan to behave respectfully...while keeping tight rein on my simple task as it already has ridges galore.

A closing thought...
"We don't have to agree on anything to be kind to one another."

From my penitent you, my friends, Vasca 

1 comment:

  1. Try to hold our tongues,from nastiness....

    But if someone doesn't speak up, somehow, where will all this Crap-O-La end? It will end, with our Country, being a Totalitarian, Communist, Marxist country. It will. Just find out, what the Left wants. It's there. It should not be a surprise.

    So how can logical, intelligent people, have the wool pulled over their eyes, as they are having?????????

    If they are doing good, they got that way, by hard work, and Capitalism.

    And they want to vote in Socialism? Communism? Marxism? WHAT????

