I'll tell you, there is nothing better
in life than being a late bloomer.
I believe that success can happen
at any time and at any age.
Salma Hayek
Art Linkletter (many years ago) had a long running program about kids... "Kids Say the Darnedest Things" ...it was really a hoot. And isn't it true that children do say hilarious things, unexpectedly?
Our youngest 'kid' was in college, lived at home some of the time, and he stepped right in it one day when he asked me if it was true that love was blind. I told him I thought it was true most of the time and asked him why he wanted to know. He replied, "Mom, Dad must have really loved you a lot." I sputtered around and he (always the diplomat) said "Well Mom, you're a late bloomer." Ha, ha! But it's true; I was a late bloomer.
I was very shy, very self-conscious and had a big inferiority complex...in many ways I felt like 'the ugly duckling'. It took years for me to overcome those obstacles...but...I did it.
Ben Fountain said, 'Late bloomer' is another way of saying 'slow learner.' I was.
When you are waiting for something to bloom...it seems to take forever and ever...like when you plant seeds and wait and watch...and wait and watch...whenever will they pop open?
Several years ago a Chinese neighbor gave Michael some 'Jack in the Beanstalk' beans; she told him how to properly treat them and like a good boy, he followed her directions to a tee. We had beautiful green vines with blossoms galore and then beans! Yay for us. We planted some the next summer and they didn't do well at all...nonetheless Michael stashed some of the beans in a safe place for whatever.
Fast forward several years to our new home in Fort Worth...Brookdale...and our lovely villa. One daughter-in-law had the foresight to bring our old, needing paint, iron arbor from our cottage in Weatherford. It was propped up here in our back yard for several months...finally Michael took it upon himself to place/set it and produced his small stash of beans that he had saved.
He faithfully tended them...as in notching and soaking them...and planted them at the base of the arbor. He 'barricaded' them/put in little red flags so the lawn people wouldn't damage the baby plants as they sprouted. Out of all those seed he got three little plants...but hey, three's better than none! They've had very special treatment and they grew; finally they began climbing on the trellis...woohoo! We’ve gone out first thing each morning to inspect them...no promises of blooms though...oh, boo!
Several weeks have passed w/no signs and M decided perhaps the seeds were too old and would never bloom. Since we live in a Senior Living place maybe the beans feel they are aging too. You suppose?
Two days ago, I was looking out the patio windows and communicating with the beanstalk...aloud...okay, I know! M was at the gym exercising...just me and Jack the beanstalk. I watched it a long time and finally said, "You know, I am not in any way demanding this...it's just something that I would love for you to do and it would make me the happiest girl if you would simply show me a few blooms...not a lot but just a few...you don't have to if you don't want but it would be awesome if you did. Could you please, please put out a few blooms for us?"
I was not in a good mood all day yesterday (sharp/snippy); seems at times nothing goes right inside me...my thoughts are jumbled, in a mess and it affects everything. My bad, I know, but stuff happens.
Michael came in that evening; twinkling eyes, smiling from ear to ear; said "What would you think if something happened that you wanted so badly and had just asked for? A surprise." I turned into one giant happy face because I knew it had to be Jack, our Beanstalk. He took me out and there it was...rather, there they were because there were lots of blooms popping out...it wasn't too old after all. Jack had his sprouts up...listening; wow!
A gentle word, a kind look,
a good-natured smile can work wonders
and accomplish miracles.
William Hazlitt
That's exactly what I had given our Jack...a few gentle words, a lovingly kind look and a good-natured smile...and you know, it worked.
Every day is fresh and new...so, I am trying to set a positive tone for each new day...to be kind, more patient, smile more...speaking gently rather than harshly. It's up to me whether I bloom and make life pleasant (not only for myself but others) or wilt and fade away. I believe the beautiful bloom is the better choice! You think?
"Success can happen at any time and at any age." Even for me and our handsome beanstalk! Way to go Jack...love you...and bloom on!
From my heart...to yours,
Loved it Vasca! You're so beautiful--inside and out! Save some beans for me please! Miss and love you so!
Loved it Vasca! You're so beautiful--inside and out! Save some beans for me please! Miss and love you so!
Thank you Lanna...love you, too! Apparently Jack is going to fully bless us with beans. He's cool.