"You have no idea how good it feels to wake up every morning,
knowing you are mine and I am yours."
M and I have twin beds ~ because we sleep much better that way! But you know, I love to look over and see my sweet one sleeping so peacefully...makes me feel secure and happy. So what if we have 'bed hair'...dry mouths...I can scoot into his bed and make him say the three magic words...if he comes up w/them he'll get a cup of coffee. He never misses!
It's great to begin each day w/a smile...lots of smiles! It feels good, ever so good. M and I are one...one in Him...and it feels good, ever so good.
I copied a piece on "My husband is dying...caring for him is an emotional roller coaster...". It's filed in my favorites section; I thought about deleting that site since I see the line many times each day...depressing? I see it as a reminder of our life and what's taking place...it pricks my heart to make better use of my time with Michael. I don't want to waste precious moments...I want to focus on 'the here and now...today'.
“Every morning in Africa, a Gazelle wakes up.
It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed.
Every morning a Lion wakes up.
It knows it must outrun the slowest Gazelle or it will starve to death.
It doesn’t matter whether you are a Lion or a Gazelle…
when the sun comes up, you’d better be running.”~ Author Unknown
Now, I'm not into running...honestly I am a klutz...deluxe! I'd fall and ruin myself...that's why no one ever wanted me on their team in school. Can't say I blamed 'em. I'd rather go at an easy walk when the sun comes up...much safer for me and the one nearest me! Might know my easy walk would turn upside down though...oh my!
Until 2010 M rarely had any illness; healthy as could be. I was the one w/all the health problems but wouldn't you know he joined the club...and came up w/a real gem, Amyloidosis. Rare, fatal, incurable. We were initially terrified, but only for a couple of days ~ then we settled in for the long haul. Here he is more than six years later and down to annual checkups! Woohoo!
Amy (as we call Amyloidosis) must have felt it needed companionship so Parkinson's moved in permanently...new kid on the block.
We've been up, we've been down and we find it's much better laughing than crying!
Really! I like the way Dr. Seuss puts it
"From there to here, from here to there,
funny things are everywhere."
Like what?
For starters I have a favorite pair of white pants...wore them to a doctor's visit earlier this month. I thought they didn't feel quite right but didn't panic...until I took them off, got into my jammies that night. Yikes, I had worn them backwards all day...ALL DAY!
Not to be outdone, I put on my shoes the next morning to go 'gym-ing' with Michael. Decided during the exercising that I had done something to my back 'cause one leg was shorter than the other...what in the world?
Back home, took the shoes off and lo and behold...those shoes had special inserts and somehow or other I had put both inserts in one shoe, the other had none and I was totally lop-sided!
I wrote on Facebook this week about our latest laugh...I have trouble sleeping so I was up for several hours during the late night and early morning. The bathroom light came on and remained on for quite awhile...unusual because neither of us turns the light on to go to the bathroom during the night.
Got a tad concerned so I opened the door and there was my handsome love...dressed and combing his hair. "What do we have on for today?" Well, nothing...and by the way it's midnight. "You're kidding me, right?" Nope, not kidding...you should get back in bed. "Well, I saw you weren't in your bed so I tho't it was time to get up and start the day." We laugh a lot 'cause we have lots to laugh about...at and with each other.
We laugh about the time I made a 'garden salad' and he and the 4 boys insulted it and remember to this day about how terrible it was...and the time we were driving from one side of Greece to the other. Michael asked the boys and me should we take an unfinished road to go across or continue northward on a real highway. Now who do you suppose those 4 boys would vote with. 5 to 1 and I lost...well? A group of Greeks were shoveling and raking the road and here we came...messing it up a bit. They swore, they threw rocks and "I told you so, but you all wouldn't listen!" We still laugh about that, among other things!
Gene Wilder, that wonderful comic man died this week. The main love of his live was the funny lady, Gilda Radner. She said this about her cancer:
Cancer is probably the unfunniest thing in the world,
but I’m a comedian, and even cancer couldn’t stop me
from seeing the humor in what I went through.
I laugh a lot, as does Michael.
I also cry...because my heart feels as if it is breaking.
Is it? I don't know ~ it's the only heart I've ever had.
My tears come mostly when I'm listening to beautiful music...music just winds up my heart...I love it...it moves me...moves me to tears! That's a good thing...I am grateful.
We're trying our best to do one day at a time...just one day. Take all the good we can put into it...use it up...let our hearts overflow with the joy of the day.
God had a plan for us from the get-go; He is still working it and us...He has things for us to do. So...sometimes we look at each other and wonder what it is He's wanting us to do...and we're not sure. Is that normal? Who knows...we were never this age before so how can we know what to expect?
Well, we both think it's about stepping out of the boat...and walking on water. It's about faith...faith that God is there for us 24/7...it's about remaining focused...
It's about "Don't be afraid; just believe"...and that's our motto.
From my happy heart...to yours,
One day at a time, and make the most of that day. Having laughter in that day is sure better than moping. Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteThanks, sweetheart. Laughter is good medicine...keeps one going. Full speed ahead. We have a fantastic travel agent...the greatest.
ReplyDeleteThis is beautiful, Vasca! Thank you for sending me the link! I am so glad you and Michael are in our lives!