Thursday, May 11, 2017


"It's not gonna be easy,
It's gonna be really hard.
We're gonna have to work at this...every day,
but I want to do that because I want you.
I want all of you, forever,
                                                   you and me."                Ryan Gosling, The Notebook...

Well now, I smile when I think about know there's puppy love, first love, late love...all kinds of descriptive terms.  The one I'm writing about is the love Michael and I found in each other.  We were young...oh so fresh! 

We promised to love, many words we said together...and we've kept our promises.  Oh my, that was such a long time ago and the life we've had?  Out of this world; the places we've been and the sights that we've seen?  Never did we dream of such a life.

We believe God put us together for a reason; there was a plan and we stumbled along with it.  You remember we had a 'rocky' first meeting when Michael announced to his friends, "That's one girl who will never set foot in my car."  Indeed?  'That girl' ended up owning half of everything Mr. Michael owns, to this day.  Me, the shy one, knew what I wanted and with God's help I got just that.  M happily ate his words...he's smart.

I suppose there are marriages that are perfect; I don't personally know of any and ours certainly hasn't been.  But...we worked at it 24/7.  People have asked me how we've stayed so happily married for such a long time.  My answer has always been that we worked for it...24/7 and each of us gave it 100%. 

Argue?  Of course we argued; we continue to this day...oh brother, do we ever challenge each other.   But...we choose to try to make the best of every situation...Life 101?  Sure helps.  

This caught my eye the other day:          "What is Life?
They say it's from B to D.
From Birth to Death.
But what's between B and D.
It's a "C".  So what is a "C"?
It is a Choice.  Our life is a matter of Choices.
Live well and it will never Go Wrong."

In life we have choices of all kinds...all of us.  Life can go along quite smoothly, no bumps in the road and for me, the bumps I had were taken with a smile.  That's the way I have always been...I could be on my death bed and 'how are you, Vasca?  Oh, I'm fine...just fine'...must've been born smiling! 
Michael is a magnificent leader; I believe he was a born leader.  No bumps for him; never any health problems...until?  A double whammy...Amyloidosis followed by Parkinson's; quite a boulder rather than a bump. 
Health blips are know that from your own experiences.  I've had two encounters with near death; M says God wasn't finished with me, that He had things in mind for me yet.  I believe that must be the case.  Someone said "You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it."  I don't know who's responsible for that but it's applicable.

Here I am, here's Michael...we are together and we're between B and D.  We're in C as in
Choices.  Talk about choices, oh my!  Every day begins with a choice...I think it's more 'the choice'.  I choose this "Create a vision that makes you wanna jump out of bed in the morning" and do my best to make it a good day. 

I realize every day is in no way going to be goody-two-shoes happy; but...but...I set the tone for the day and I can make it or break it.  It's up to me; sure Michael is here but these days I am and must be the stronger one. 

I have 'foot in the mouth' disease; try as hard as I can my mouth just doesn't cooperate!  But I also sack runneth over with apologies and Kleenex.  But...but...I'm doing a little better each at a time.
The two of us have reached a clearer understanding of what life demands...each of us must give as we also must take.  Is it easy?  Are you kidding?  No such thing as easy between B and D.  It's harder than hard and I suspect/expect it will become more difficult with time.

However, God works wonders and gives strength as needed; I trust Him that He knows when and how much we are going to require. 

Michael rises many mornings with a song on his lips and how can I do anything but make the happy choices when my love is singing the Hallelujah Chorus, Star Spangled Banner, Hello Dolly, Old McDonald, the scales, Santa Claus is coming to town (in May?). 
Kinda' makes me wanna' jump out of bed and sing along.  You oughta' see us sitting on the patio, drinking Hazelnut coffee (my mom was a Hazel...she wasn't a nut), petting a little baby bunny while watching the wren's tending their babies in M's planter.

And...I remember,
"It's not gonna be easy,
It's gonna be really hard.
We're gonna have to work at this...every day,
but I want to do that because I want you.
I want all of you, forever,
you and me."
My mission's cut out for me; I's beautiful and God, I thank you for it.
From my yours, Vasca


  1. A lot of well learned wisdom and grace here!

  2. Sometimes it is most difficult to teach an old dog new me! Thank you Ann. You are also most wise and gracious. I wish we lived closer together so we could visit face to face. Love you!

  3. I love the sweet, cute, and sometimes funny way your have of looking at life through rose colored glasses. Everything is coming up roses with you, sweet Vasca! Thank you for your mentorship and love for the Lord.
