Sunday, April 19, 2020


Jesus is the inspiration for anyone to go the distance.
Sylvester Stallone

Once upon a last year...I wondered about things like what life would be like for my grandchildren, great grandchildren.  Little did I think about what the remainder of my life would be like.  I knew, within reason, Michael would not be with me much longer; a 'given' since his life was in a downward spiral w/no hope.
This life has been full of surprises...things I would never imagine swept me off my feet.  After sixty-seven years of a loving marriage I found myself a where I had been with M in the next building.  Nothing else really changed.  I had my four, wonderful sons and families living close by...I wanted for nothing.  My family was growing; two baby boys coming very soon!  A new grandson-in-law.  God is blessing me so richly!  Still more males...oh boy!  Yeah, boy! 

Michael's been gone six months...I've had six 'unexpected' surprises, wouldn't you know it?  Story of my life.  Everytime Michael was away from me I had a calamity.  Three emergency surgeries...none of the zip into the ER and out a day later.  Why was I surprised when I spent a couple of nights in the was the Shingles...followed by a molar sitting on a nerve being cut out...UTI infection...molar on the other side cracked in half? Then (along with the rest of civilization) quarantined due to COVID-19.  Michael, you shouldn't leave me! 

Things have gone very well where I live.  Our management took steps early on to ensure our safety.  After all, this place is a senior living community and we are in that highly susceptible bracket.  I think most everyone here has a positive attitude.  

We can't leave our apartments now...which is most wise.  No one has set foot in my apartment for I don't even know how many weeks...lost count.  I don't want anyone in either.  I had visions of clearing out lots of personal papers...shredding, etc.  As yet, that's undone!  Okay, I do have plans to the near future.  

America seems to be pulling together...I see the phrase just about everywhere..."we're all in this together" and it means the entire world.  Oh how things have changed.  

Students are studying at  Most everyone is working from home except the necessary/essential workers of which there are so many putting themselves in harm's way to keep us going.  They are in our prayers.  The healthcare profession is on the front lines and awesome; they are all in everyone's prayers and thoughts.  

So many businesses are hurting, countless people suddenly without jobs...times are rough and hey, we're not accustomed to life like it is just now.  Everything is changed and change is hard. 

A couple of weeks ago, I heard a soft, little song - stopped in my tracks to see what it was linked ATT commercial...and the song?  "This Little Light of Mine"  I decided then and there that I needed to put my little light to some use instead of lollygagging know, like hiding it under a!!! 

So, I'm just one person - what can I do.  Here's what I decided to do...last week.  

The staff here is working full speed ahead.  No one is allowed entrance except therapist, health care...absolutely no visitors and we do not go out.  All deliveries, mail, etc. is given to a staff member at the front entrance.  They deliver it to our apartments.  I think they even sanitize it.
I wrote a letter to the staff; thanking them for all the different things they do and their great demeanor.  They are always brightly dressed, smiling, talking as they do their other words they make my day!  And I mentioned all that.  As they did their jobs I gave each one a copy.  It gave me great joy to do it and I believed it lifted their spirits...I know so! 

 Encouragement is contagious; look what's going on all around us, around the world.  This thing is serious...ever so serious.  To me it is unimaginable that people can thumb their noses at it and go on like it's nothing.  Big crowds gather to party...I suppose they could be thinking it won't happen to them but in reality?  It does and they spread it to others in the process.  

John Lewis was quoted as saying,
"Sometimes I feel like crying, tears of happiness, tears of joy,
to see the distance we've come and the progress we've made.

I've no idea what he was referring to but I thought it was suited for America.  Such a distance and progress.  Now, look at not only America but the entire world...we are brought to our knees by a virus.   Little lights, floodlights...takes all kinds of lights; let 'em shine all over the world.  

It seems the world is trying to pull together to beat this wild beast;  cooperation, positivity with hard work are absolute necessities...among other things like patience, love and prayers.   

This is an awesome, wonderful world God created for us; after a storm - sweet smell of rain and look, there's a beautiful rainbow...and, as always God is in control.  Remember that.  

Michael always read my writing before posting.  Well, you know I'm now the Lone Ranger; not written much since M moved away...I'm a little off-kelter.  Hey, let's face it, the entire world is disjointed so guess you won't mind if this post is - a little out of joint.   

But...guess what? I'm planning to go the distance, Lord willing! 

         From my yours,                               My Covid-19 therapy partner!
                       Vasca                                                Say 'Hi' to Jeffers - he cuddles.

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